Emilio Galante è nato a Bologna
dove ha studiato flauto e composizione oltre a laurearsi in filosofia. Ha ottenuto inoltre un Meisterklasse Diplom alla Hochschüle für Musik di Monaco. Ha tenuto concerti come solista e in complessi di musica da camera in tutta Europa, USA, Turchia e Santo Domingo. Ha inciso per BMG Ricordi, CGD-Suvini Zerboni, Velut Luna, Ermitage oltre che per le radio-televisioni di stato italiana, francese e svizzera. Sue composizioni sono edite da Sonzogno in Italia a e da Falls House Press negli USA. Ha fondato nel 1998 l'ensemble Sonata Islands, col quale ha pubblicato un CD di sue musiche, “Sciare di Fuoco” per BMG, promosso un festival di jazz e musiche nuove (www.sonataislands.com) che si tiene dal 2002 a Milano e Trento.
La sua attività interpretativa e compositiva si muove fra i linguaggi della musica colta, del jazz e del rock. Fra le sue registrazioni più recenti, nel 2010 “Torre Aquila”, con Markus Stockhausen, nel 2012 "Sonata Islands goes RIO", ispirato alla poetica del Rock In Opposition, per AltRock, nel 2013 "Sonata islands meets Mahler" per ZDM. Nel 2016 “Doublesex” per A Simple Lunch, melologo jazz con voce recitante, nel 2018 due produzioni statunitensi, “Soul Doctrine” per Innova e “Zeuhl Jazz” per Chant Records. Fra i suoi lavori più recenti "Osso, Mastrosso e Carcagnosso", fiaba musicale per flauto e coro femminile, sulle origini delle mafie, con l'attore Paride Benassai. E’ coautore del Manuale del Flauto EDT. E' docente di ruolo di flauto al Conservatorio di Trento.
Emilio Galante, geboren in Bologna,
studierte Querflöte und Komposition in der Musikhochschule von Bologna bei Giorgio Zagnoni und erhielt dort 1979 das Diplom in Querflöte. Parallel dazu studierte er an der Universität in Bologna Philosophie und promovierte in Musiktheorie. An der Münchner Hochschule für Musik besuchte er die Meisterklasse von Professor Walter Theurer und erlangte 1982 das Diplom. Er wurde bei diversen Wettbewerben, u.a. in Stresa und Palmi preisgekrönt.
Auftritte als Solist in“La Fenice”, mit dem Haydn Orchester, mit der Camerata Mozart, mit der Orchestra Sinfonica Siciliana, sowie in diversen Kammermusikformationen. In“La Scala” trat er in der Ballettaufführung mit den Solostücken von Debussy “Syrinx” und "L’ Après- midi d’un faune” auf. Zahlreiche Tourneen führten ihn u.a. nach Österreich und Deutschland, in die Schweiz, nach Spanien, Belgien, Frankreich, in die Türkei und in die USA.
CD Einspielungen für bekannte Musiklabels wie CGD-Suvini Zerboni, Peter Musik, AS Disc, Ermitage und Scatola Sonora und Mitwirkung bei Radio- und Fernsehübertragungen für internationale Sender.
Das 1998 von im gegründete Ensemble Sonata Islands veranstaltet seit 2002 im mailänder Palazzina Libertyund seit 2006 in Trento ein eigenes Festival und hat zahlreiche CDs eingespielt, zuletzt die CD "Doublesex”, "Torre Aquila" mit Markus Stockhausen, "Soul Doctrine" fur die american label Innova und “Zeuhl Jazz” fur NY label Chant Records.
Emilio Galante widmet sich auch seit einigen Jahren dem Komponieren und experimentiert als Soloperformer mit live- electronics. Seine Kompositionen wurden in Mailand, in Tokio, in Paris und New York aufgeführt, im August 1997 wurde er von der Chicago NFA Convention eingeladen, seine Werke vorzustellen.
Seit vielen Jahren unterrichtet er die Flötenklassen an verschiendenen itelienischen Konservatorien, derzeit am Konservatorium von Trient.

Emilio Galante was born in Bologna, Italy.
He studied composition and flute at the Bologna Musical Academy and in 1979 received his Conservatory Diploma in flute-playing. Galante also studied at the University of Bologna where he took a degree in Philosophy, delivering a dissertation on Musical Aesthetics. In 1982, he was awarded the Masterclass Diploma at the Musical Academy in Munich, Germany.
Galante has played with various chamber groups and orchestras all over Europe as well as in the USA, Russia and Turkey. He has also performed as a soloist in La Scala (Milano), La Fenice (Venice), and Salzburger Residenz.
He now mostly performs contemporary music, including his own compositions, and collaborates with both classical and jazz musicians. In fact, in 1998 he founded Sonata Islands, a chamber ensemble devoted to new music, and in 1999 recorded "Sciare di Fuoco" for BMG-Ricordi, a work for eight musicians, inspired by the landscapes of the southern islands. Sonata Islands has its own festival, "Ai Confini ed Oltre", which took place in Milan and now in Trento and which showcases compositions that try to mix together jazz and new music.
Galante has recorded for various labels and national radio broadcasters: his first recording of his own compositions was "Linea d'Ombra" (Shadow Line), for solo flute and live electronics in 1993 for the Italian label Scatola Sonora. His most recent recordings are "Doublesex", for voice, female choir and trio, "Torre Aquila" with Markus Stockhausen, "Soul Doctrine" for the american label Innova und “Zeuhl Jazz” for the NY label Chant Records.
His music has been played in various festivals, in New York, Tokyo, Paris and Milan and several of his pieces have been published by Falls House Press and Sonzogno.
In August 1997 he was invited to play his own music at the Chicago NFA Convention.
He also teaches at the Music Conservatory in Trento.
He is a co-author along with Gianni Lazzari of the book "The Flute", published by EDT in 2003 and reviewed by many international flute magazines.